Product category

Startup Pitch Deck: the Product Slide [+ Examples]

Are you building a pitch deck for your startup? Make sure to include in your pitch deck a strong Product slide that shows what your product is and how it works.

In this series of articles we show you how to create a stunning pitch deck for your startup.

The Product slide explained

The Product slide usually follows the competition slide, yet you can also include it right after the solution slide as well.

Whilst the solution slide explains the benefits to your customers of your product, the product slide explains what your product actually is and how it works.

Here you should include images, mockups. To the extent possible, also include a demo of your product (if you are pitching your presentation, or a link to a video instead if you’re not).

For example, if your startup is a mobile app (say, a sports social mobile app), you would include a screenshot of your app’s mockup as well as details such as:

  • Is your app collaborative (e.g. chatbox, messaging) or not?
  • Does your app includes videos of sports athletes or just images, articles?
  • The registration / onboarding process (integration with Facebook login for example)?
  • Etc.

What about your tech stack?

Of course, if you’re a tech startup, it’s always good to include details about your tech stack.

Be careful not to go into too many specifics though: investors aren’t always engineer by training. Do not put things like the programming language you have chosen for example. Save it for the voice-over or the appendix instead.

Instead, include things such as:

  • whether you have a white-labelled solution or a proprietary back-end / database
  • how many full time front/back-end engineers you have
  • how much you invested already in your tech

Pitch Deck Product slide examples

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